Dynamind Demonstration on June 5th Meeting (by Marcus West)
On Monday 5th June, the South Wales Awakening group had a kind of “open frame” meeting, in which several people gave presentations on various topics. I took the opportunity to give a demonstration of a simple modern healing technique from Hawai’I, called “Dynamind.”
This is a simple technique rooted in the physical, in breathing and tapping certain acupuncture points and focussing intent, and other things. Being rooted in the physical, in the earthly here-and-now, anyone can learn it and practice it, and get good results – that is to say, it’s not a “non-ordinary” spiritual process requiring some kind of shamanic intermediary between different worlds. I should perhaps say that it does have a refinement that uses symbols, and this refinement is rather less “mechanical” and more a matter of skill and artistry, but apart from that component the technique is very easy to use. Also, I should perhaps note that it shouldn’t be used with pregnant women.
So… usually, when I introduce Dynamind, I say something like:
Suppose you break your wrist: it’s put into plaster and the break starts to heal. But while it’s healing, you may hold it defensively, to prevent it from being jarred or hurt: perhaps you curl the wrist slightly closer to your body; perhaps you hold your shoulder a little higher to protect the wrist – either of these things involves setting up muscular tension to sustain. And after the break has healed and the plaster comes off, you may have got into the habit of holding your wrist or shoulder in this way, maintaining that tension, which may continue without you thinking about it at all. And this continued tension, tension that you’re not even aware of, can have an effect – it may interfere with blood flows and fluid flows and energetic flows and other healing mechanisms in your arm, and so pain and symptoms can develop and persist. We may even think “The break never fully healed, and that’s why there are pains or symptoms now”, even though the break may have healed perfectly and the symptoms are entirely due to the unconscious tensions. The “Dynamind” process can help to release these unhelpful tensions that we don’t even realise we are holding. And when these tensions are released, various healing mechanisms can start to operate again, and the pain and symptoms can disappear. And of course, there are other ways that such unhelpful tensions can be set up, apart from being the legacy of broken bones – posture, over-use or some muscles, compensation for other aches and pains, and so on.
“Dynamind” seems to be is particularly useful for injuries that seem to have mysteriously hung around after they “should” have completely healed. For example, after breaks, operations, injuries. But it can be useful with other ailments too: I’ve used it successfully to lessen pain in carpal tunnel syndrome, stiff or painful neck, neck and joints with restricted mobility, tense jaw muscles in a teeth-grinder, post-operative pains, miscellaneous aches and pains and others.
Dynamind is described at:
In addition to practicing “Dynamind”, I am a practitioner of a Hawai’ian Shamanic system known as Huna, and am also a Master Practitioner in EFT and in NLP (NeuroLinguisticProgramming). I practice in Roath, Cardiff.
I have two Facebook pages:
EFT Cardiff – “Farewell to Fear” at http://www.facebook.com/EftCardiff?ref=hl
Huna in Cardiff at http://www.facebook.com/pages/Huna-in-Cardiff/121797401299962
I am contactable on Marcuswest@btinternet.com and I welcome communications, questions, suggestions, observations etc about Huna.
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