25th May 2013

March Against Monsanto 25th May 2013

March Against Monsanto 25th May 2013

A brilliant day with a lovely group of enthusiastic peaceful protestors and some very responsive members of the public! Amazing how many people weren’t aware of Monsanto or even GM. Many thanks to WelshTruthFinders for organizing the Cardiff event.


March Against Monsanto, Cardiff – 25th May 2013 — 2 Comments

  1. Hi, we went on the march in Bristol last year as we were not aware of one taking place in Cardiff. Will you be marching this year & where from & what time ?
    We do not use FB so can you just e mail me please as we’d love to join you,
    Karen & Dai x

    • Hi, apparently the offical day of the march this year is may 24th, not sure if anything is organized for Cardiff. Unfortunately, we will not be going as we have already made other arrangements, good luck if you are able to attend a march though. Advice we would offer based on last years march:-
      * Keep it friendly and peaceful.
      * If making a placard, keep it short but thought provoking. Possibly “Does your lunch contains Genetically Modified ingredients?” rather than “Hell No GMO”
      * Have a small but informative leaflets prepared ready to hand out to anyone interested. Keep to basic facts with perhaps a couple of good website links for further information. Offer to people who seem interested and don’t bother giving to those that are clearly not.
      * Avoid wearing anonymous masks or similar. Those masks last year unfortunately brought some negative attention, including from the police. It can be off-putting to the public to be approached by people in masks. (We totally sympathise with those protestors and the issues they were trying to raise, but we believe the anonymous masks were perceived very negatively).
      * Also others were protesting chemtrails on the march. as you can guess as with every ‘official’ protest day I can think of recently the skies were clear!
      * Keep it friendly and peaceful!

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